Rankings 2023/2024

Rankings 2023/2024

On this page you can consult the rankings relating to the calls published in the academic year 2023/2024.

Regional Scholarships

First extension rankings Regional scholarship a.y. 2023/2024

The first extension rankings for the assignment of the regional scholarship a.y. were published on 16 May 2024. The scholarships were awarded, by scrolling down the rankings, to students enrolled in subsequent years, thanks to the funds of the PNRR.
The results can be consulted through the Sportello Tasse - DSU (ranking results - a.y. 2023/2024).
Payment of the benefit will take place after the disbursement of the PNRR funds by the MUR.

Regional Scholarships

Final rankings Regional scholarship a.y. 2023/2024

The final rankings for the assignment of the regional scholarship a.y. 2023/2024 were published on 21 November 2023. The results are available through the SportelloTasse - DSU (ranking results - a.y. 2023/2024). The payment of the first rate benefit will take place, by crediting the Ateneo Più Card, by 31/12/2023.

Regional Scholarships

Provisional rankings Regional Scholarship 2023/2024

On 13/10/2021 the provisional rankings of eligibility for the assignment of Regional Scholarship for the academic year 2023/2024 were published.

The results can be consulted through Sportello Tasse/DSU (esito graduatorie).

Students who are found to be ineligible may apply for a review of the result by October 27, 2023, using the form available on the online results page (presenta ricorso).

Call for applications for university residence

Final rankings Accommodation service a.y. 2023/2024

The final rankings for Accommodation Service by the University Residences for the academic year 2023/2024 were published on 21/07/2023.

The results can be consulted through the Sportello Tasse - DSU (ranking results).

Students who are beneficiaries must accept the benefit by 10.00 pm on 24 July 2023 through the specific function of the Sportello Tasse - DSU.

Call for applications for university residence

Provisional rankings Accommodation Service 2023/2024

On 30/06/2022 the provisional rankings of eligibility for the assignment of bed places at University Residences for the academic year 2023/2024 were published.

The results can be consulted through Sportello Tasse/DSU (esito graduatorie).

Students who are found to be ineligible may apply for a review of the result by July 8, 2023, using the form available on the online results page (presenta ricorso).

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